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Canvassing California History

Canvassing California History

步入淘金热时代在萨克拉门托和周围的山麓城镇, 然后参观北加州的火山奇观和令人惊叹的城市.

6 - 6Days,10Stops,640Miles
Nevada City
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Mt. Shasta City
Stop 1


101 I St., Sacramento

California’s capital 复兴淘金热时代的矿工,商人和夫人 Old Sacramento整齐的鹅卵石街道和铺着木板的人行道. 在满是老式糖果店和沙士酒吧的街区之间 California State Railroad Museum 房子里的蒸汽机车修复得很好,还有 Sacramento History Museum overflows with 1800s artifacts. 沉浸在金州的历史中,然后了解萨克拉门托从农场到餐桌的美食场景. In Midtown, 在一个充满酒吧和餐馆的繁华街区,过去与现在无缝融合. Sample the region’s agricultural bounty at Mulvaney’s B&L, where the menu changes daily, 或品尝加州现代风格的南方美食,如贝格饼和炸绿番茄 The Porch

At sunset, sip a cocktail at the Delta King riverboat hotel, 然后在优雅的客舱里入睡,在大雁的啁啾声中醒来.

Stop 2


101 Maple St., Auburn

Thirty miles northeast of Sacramento, Auburn is a prime spot for epicurean carb-loading. Pack up a croissant from The Baker and the Cakemaker or a bagel sandwich from Baked & Brewed, then visit the grand Auburn Courthouse这是一座建于镇上最高山丘上的古典复兴式建筑. 在一楼的博物馆里,192金衡盎司的普莱瑟县黄金躺在玻璃下闪闪发光. 在远足和骑自行车的小径上看到奥本运动的一面 Auburn State Recreation Area and Hidden Falls Regional Park, or go for a mellow kayak paddle on Upper Lake Clementine. 一天结束的时候,在镇上熙熙攘攘的啤酒厂里找个座位Crooked LaneKnee DeepMoonraker, or Auburn Ale House

Stop 3

Nevada City

230 Broad St., Nevada City

In Nevada City在纽约,绘本时代的维多利亚时代到处都是朴素的餐馆、别致的酒吧和吸引人的商店. Browse J.J. Jackson's 玩具,手袋,厨房工具和旅行装备. Pick up one-of-a-kind gifts and cards at The Gray Goose. Stop in to Kitkitdizzi 用于手工首饰,家居用品和自我护理用品. Then take a five-mile drive to Empire Mine State Historic Park, the site of California’s oldest, largest, deepest, longest, and richest gold mine, which operated from 1850 to 1956. 回到镇上欣赏现场音乐和鸡尾酒 Golden Era, then catch a show at the Miners Foundry Cultural Center or a play at the Nevada Theatre, the oldest theater west of the Mississippi. 结束一天在一个优雅的房间改造在 National Exchange Hotel, a Gold Rush charmer overlooking downtown.

Stop 4


500 Jackson St., Quincy

The Feather River flows through Quincy, a friendly Plumas County 这座城市以其繁荣的艺术文化和通往野外的便利之处而自豪. Linger over a late breakfast at Patti’s Thunder Cafe然后漫步17个街区的遗产步道(Heritage Walk),看看镇上的一些历史建筑. The self-guided tour starts at the Plumas County Museum这里是麦都印第安人篮子和先锋古董的故乡. Pop into the Plumas Arts Gallery在一个翻新的酒吧里,看看当地的创意人士在做什么. 向北行驶五英里就到了松树荫的小径起点 Cascade Trail, which parallels Spanish Creek. At the nearby Butterfly Valley Botanical Area在加州,你可以看到以昆虫为食的加利福尼亚猪笼草大嚼毫无戒心的虫子. When the sun heads west, pull into Quintopia Brewing for a burger and blonde ale. 

Stop 5

Lassen Volcanic National Park

21820 Lassen National Park Highway, Mineral

拉森火山国家公园公路穿过它 namesake park 从南到北,蜿蜒穿过嶙峋的山峰和茂密的针叶林. 历史从长远的角度来看:尽管火山的隆隆声始于27年左右,000 years ago, 拉森峰直到20世纪初才爆发. 现在这座安静的火山坐落在一个点缀着超凡脱俗的火山特征的景观中:冒着蒸汽的硫磺喷口, belching mud pots, boiling thermal pools, and rumbling fumaroles. Trek the switch-backing trail to Lassen Peak’s summit, stroll Bumpass Hell的木板路经过沸腾的泉水和嘶嘶作响的蒸汽口,或者在这里游泳 Terrace Lake

Stop 6

Mt. Shasta City

300 Pine St., Mount Shasta

从几百英里外,你就能辨认出大量的 Mt. Shasta它是一座沉睡的火山巨人,高达14179英尺. 要近距离观察这个锥形巨石,从 Sisson Meadow trailhead just two blocks from downtown Mt. Shasta City. 沿着木板路穿过一片湿地,由强大的沙斯塔(Shasta)及其雄伟的邻居山(mount. Eddy and Black Butte. Or drive up Everitt Memorial Highway for a more ambitious hike from Bunny Flat to the Sierra Club Alpine Lodge这是一座建于1922年的石头建筑,是沙斯塔山顶登山者的避难所. Back in town, you’ll find lamb burgers at Pipeline Craft Taps and Kitchen and cozy dreams at the Inn at Mount Shasta.  

Stop 7


844 Sundial Bridge Drive, Redding

Plan to linger a while in Redding, a friendly urban hub on the Sacramento River. Spend half a day at the 300-acre campus of Turtle Bay Exploration Park, where an eco-museum, animal exhibits, 植物园为所有年龄段的人提供学习的机会. The park is bisected by the spectacular Sundial Bridge这是一个玻璃装饰的建筑瑰宝,是世界上最大的功能日晷之一. Take a spin on the easy-pedaling bike trails 从桥上开始沿着河走,或者花点时间去探索 downtown Redding’s vinyl, book, vintage, and crystal shops. 晚餐,你可以在 The Park or sit down to a brick-oven pizza dinner at Mosaic, inside the LEED-certified Sheraton Redding Hotel

Stop 8


2156 Solano St., Corning

在康宁,橄榄不是国王,而是女王. Sevillano or queen olives—the firm, 人们已经种出了能顶着马提尼的绿色水果, brined, and canned here since 1897. Taste peppery olive oil at Nash’s Olive Oil or Corning Olive Oil Company, or order a tangy tapenade sandwich at Olive Pit. Explore more of Tehama County他参观了当地的农场. At 10-acre MoonBeam Farm, learn how loofahs are grown and harvested, 或者带一束芳香的干薰衣草或薰衣草浴盐回家, oils, and herb mixes. Sample succulent figs at Maywood Farms,或者在网上买几袋有机核桃和榛子 Handy Farms.  

Stop 9


525 Esplanade, Chico

Leafy Chico is home to elm-dotted streets and arcadian Bidwell Park, one of the country’s largest municipal parks. Pay a visit to the grand Bidwell Mansion, 周围环绕着芬芳的玫瑰和奇科创始人种植的高耸的观赏树木, General John Bidwell. 他的三层住宅是19世纪60年代独创性的奇迹,拥有加州第一个室内管道. 之后,参观西部最古老、最受尊敬的手工酿酒厂之一, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. 在酒吧间用餐或在啤酒厂之旅中窥视铜壶. 夜幕降临时,去奇科酒吧听一场音乐会 Senator Theatre这是1928年的一个歌舞杂耍的瑰宝,拥有原始的枝形吊灯和壁画. Head over to the 1904 Hotel Diamond for a sleep steeped in Chico history. 

Stop 10


451 6th St., Williams

在驾驶5号州际公路时,不要错过小镇 Williams这里是自驾游者的地标,拥有丰富的熟食店、餐厅和礼品店 Granzella’s. More than 400,每年有1000名司机在这里停车购买腌制的蜜饯和果酱, to dine on prime rib, 或者只是为了欣赏10英尺高的北极熊毛绒玩具. Less than a mile away on E Street, the Sacramento Valley Museum 在1911年的一所高中的围墙内,陈列着描绘19世纪加州农场生活的展品. 想要一个值得浸湿的短途旅行,向西南行驶24英里到 Wilbur Hot Springs这是一个远离网络的健康圣地,没有手机服务或Wi-Fi,破坏了回归自然的氛围. 当你沉浸在由天然冒泡温泉喂养的温暖水池中时,忘掉你的烦恼. 

Road Trip Snapshot

了解更多关于这个公路旅行的惊人地点. Ready to plan your trip? 打印行程或地图你的冒险开始.

Stop 1Sacramento
101 I St., Sacramento
Stop 2Auburn
101 Maple St., Auburn
Stop 3Nevada City
230 Broad St., Nevada City
Stop 4Quincy
500 Jackson St., Quincy
Stop 5Lassen Volcanic National Park
21820 Lassen National Park Highway, Mineral
Stop 6Mt. Shasta City
300 Pine St., Mount Shasta
Stop 7Redding
844 Sundial Bridge Drive, Redding
Stop 8Corning
2156 Solano St., Corning
Stop 9Chico
525 Esplanade, Chico
Stop 10Williams
451 6th St., Williams

Car & RV Rentals

Trusted car & 房车租赁公司让你的旅行更容易

Avis Rent a Car
Enterprise Rent a Car
Hertz Rent a Car
Budget Rent a Car
Payless Car Rental
Zip Car
Fox Rent a Car
Sixt Rent a Car
Advantage OPCP
Silver Car
E-Z Rent a car
Midway Car Rental
Mex Rent a Car
United Auto Rental
Auto Distributors
Cruise America
El Monte RV

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